Monday, April 4, 2011

The Story Of Pandora Jewelry

This is Greek mythology. Long, long ago, there was a fire, people will eat raw food and was afraid of the cold, all his life was in the midst of darkness. Deity Prometheus and his younger brother Yerbymetheus man mercy, have failed to prevent the Lord God, the fire stolen from Zeus and the sun god Apollo, and sent it to the man, and then people will learn to use fire. After the world had come to a warm place where people lived in harmony and happiness. When Zeus aware of this, he became very angry and Links Of London Earrings decided to issue a disaster to happen to man. He ordered his son Hephaestus god of fire was a woman named Pandora March, for example, a person dedicated to all advantages.6 Facts you should know about Pandora, Pandora beads

God gave each of his skills and perfect. Damn! Fe all want Pandora Aphrodite gave her beauty, Hermes gave her slick mouth and tongue, and Apollo gave her musical talent. You can forget these when Links Of London Necklaces Accessory Zeus to Pandora a sealed box filled with the plague of disasters and calamities, let him give it to the man's wife. Zeus took the beauty of the earth. Seeing the beautiful lady, everyone wanted him and very surprised because they had never seen a woman so beautiful before. Pandora immediately went for "Post-enlightened" Epmetheus, the younger brother of Prometheus, who was the honesty and goodness. Prometheus thought Zeus was not as friendly to man, then told his brother not to accept her gift.

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