Monday, April 11, 2011

Jewelry And Fashion Trend - Jewelry

Nose Ring - Fashion Jewelry and fashion

nose rings are perhaps the most fashionable and trendy jewelry, contemporary. However, the concept has been around for centuries. It originated in the Middle East, and then brought to the Mughals in India, when they arrived in the 16th century. nose ring is a traditional Indian dress. Then, a century later, in 1960, a nose ring became fashionable piece of pandora bear bracelet that had spent the hippies. Piercing the nose was a sign of rebellion against society as a fashion trend. We have come a long way since then. Today, the nose rings is a piece of jewelry fashion.

Types of nose piercings

There are three types of nose piercings are possible: nasal perforation, perforation of nasal septum and the lifting of the bridge. In India, the left nostril is pierced, in general, it is estimated that this assistance in childbirth and relieves pain during menstruation. However, the nose rings are now used as fashion jewelry and therefore there is no fixed rule as to where or which side of the nose is pierced.

How does a nose piercing is done

Before considering the use of a nose ring like fashion jewelry you need to know how is the nose piercing. nostril piercing is done in a manner similar to perforation of the ear lobe. A sterile needle is passed through the nasal tissue and the nose stud or ring is placed in the hole. septum piercing is also popular for a punk look. This type of drilling is carried out, but the drilling of the structure of the partition inside the nose. A ring is usually used with this type of drilling. The rarest type of drilling is drilling the bridge of the nose. This type of piercing is common among some tribes and bars are generally used in the bridge.

Selecting a nose ring

Although piercing the nose and buy a nose ring, is the material that you deem important. fashionable jewelry for your nose is available in all shades and it is therefore important that you choose the type of piercing jewelry, and then buy. Gold, titanium, surgical steel or niobium provides the best choice when the piercing is fresh. When your nose is healed, you can go to fashionable pandora bracelet sale in sterling silver.

Care, whereas piercings in the nose

It is very important that some things are taken into account during the drilling of the nose, as they are essential for the healing of the tissues of the nose, too. The nose should not be pierced with a piercing gun, damaging tissues and can even cause infections like HIV. You must remember that the healing of a piercing in the nose may take up to 12 months and therefore must exercise great care of her during this period. Always make sure your hands are clean when you touch the piercing and never remove the jewelry until the wound has healed completely.

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