Monday, May 23, 2011

General cleaning of jewelry - all types at home

Now that spring is here and everyone starts to "spring cleaning" no houses, garages, etc do not forget to clean your jewelry to make it look like new.

Jewelry cleaning is easy and does not take long to make (depending on the amount of jewelry you have!). The main things are needed - hot water, a child's soft toothbrush, a small amount of liquid, a container with clean warm water and a clean, dry cloth. Simply mix a few drops of liquid detergent in a container of warm water and place the item of jewelry in the container, only move it slowly around her jewels in the water allowing the detergent to move around the jewelry of waste disposal . If it is a gem as an engagement ring or earrings or discount pandora beads very detailed here is where the soft toothbrush into action, dip your toothbrush in soapy water and rub the back of the piece you are cleaning for obtained in all little cracks and crevices to remove any soap / lotions that have been collected. Some jewelry is required to absorb if they have a lot of accumulation. Once your jewelry is cleaned in a clean rinse with warm water and dry to remove excess water.

If your jewelry needs a little more intense clean due to scratches, etc. polished or more items we can replace them in our ultrasonic cleaner uses a cleaning solution and vibration to remove any heavy buildup that can not be removed through house cleaning. You can buy jewelry cleaners in stores, but be sure to follow the instructions carefully.

All gemstone jewelry should be cleaned with care, however, some stones like opal, turquoise, pearl and tanzanite and emerald sometimes needs a little care and it would be better to bring them to us for a professional cleaning, if you are unsure please contact we can advise you on your jewelry cleaning requirements.

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